Karate for Everyone ~For those who are just starting Karate


SKU: BOK-411 Category:


The purpose of this book is to introduce karate concepts and movements to those just starting out in karate, or for those who hold absolutely no interest in karate whatsoever. I’ll explain the fundamentals of karate which will transform your thinking of karate into “This is great!”, and “What fun!”

Photographs of all movements are included along with explanations, but I’ve also prepared videos to help your understanding. QR codes are printed throughout the book – Please scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet device to access the video webpage.

Tokyo Karet Club Master Instructor
Takigawa Eiji

B6(128m/m 182m/m) 124P


  • Chapter1 What Is Karate?
  • Chapter2 Karate Exercises to Support the Body
  • Chapter3 Physical Benefits of Karate Practice
  • Chapter4 The Basics of Kata: Foot Movement
  • Chapter5 The Future of Karate Practice
    (Master Instructor Takigawa’s Thoughts)