Platina Selection KATA 3


SKU: DCMP-787 Categories: ,


All-region(*NTSC Only)
Color: 471 min.(2 Discs)

*Japanese and English

The noted martial art performance of the grand and splendid highest peak, KIHON KATA of immortality and TEAM KATA of perfection.
All 150 ENBU is treasure of the karate world!!
This is a definitive edition of the actual combat KATA, and a precious special collection!!


  • ANAN アーナン
    H.Ono (55th All Japan Student)
    I.Shinbaba (67th National Sports Festival)
    C.Ogihara (66th National Sports Festival)
    I.Oki (67th National Sports Festival)
    Y.M.Abello (46th EKF Championships)
    V.D.M.Dack (21st WKF Championships)
    R.Kiyuna (21st WKF Championships)
  • UNSHU ウンシュー
    C.Tsuruyama (67th National Sports Festival)
    E.Lucraft (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
  • UNSU ウンス
    S.Scordo (46th EKF Championships)
    M.Kobayashi (55th All Japan Student)
    L.Valdesi (21st WKF Championships)
    Y.Shoji (1st EAKF J&C Championships)
    N.Yoshida (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
    T.Sugino (56th All Japan Student)
  • ENPI(EMPI) エンピ
    K.Arimoto (66th National Sports Festival)
    S.Fukazawa (2011 All Japan Masters)
    T.Sugino (40th All Japan Championships)
    L.Valdesi (21st WKF Championships)
    C.Endo (56th All Japan Student)
    T.Soma (66th National Sports Festival)
  • GANKAKU ガンカク
    L.Valdesi (21st WKF Championships)
    S.Battaglia (21st WKF Championships)
    T.Sugino (40th All Japan Championships)
    C.Endo (56th All Japan Student)
    J.Mottram (21st WKF Championships)
  • KANKU-SHO カンクウショウ
    D.Pajkic (46th EKF Championships)
    M.Afsaneh (11th AKF Championships)
    S.Sasaki (67th National Sports Festival)
    S.Scordo (21st WKF Championships)
  • KANKU-DAI カンクウダイ
    S.Battaglia (21st WKF Championships)
    M.Kobayashi (55th All Japan Student)
    K.Arimoto (55th All Japan Student)
    Y.Uesugi (56th All Japan Student)
  • KUSHANKU クーシャンクー
    K.Yuda (66th National Sports Festival)
  • KURURUNFA クルルンファ
    K.Horiba (66th National Sports Festival)
    K.K.Hang (11th AKF Championships)
    H.Ono (67th National Sports Festival)
    A.Diaz (21st WKF Championships)
    Y.Horiba (12th AKF J&C Championshis)
    K.Inoue (2nd EAKF Championships)
    R.Kiyuna (67th National Sports Festival)
  • KOSOKUN-SHO コウソウクンショウ
    R.Usami (40th All Japan Championships)
    L.T-Wai (10th AKF Championships)
    S.Kokumai (21st WKF Championships)
  • KOSOKUN-DAI コウソウクンダイ
    M.Osawa (40th All Japan Championships)
    K.Onishi (67th National Sports Festival)
    S.Kokumai (21st WKF Championships)
    R.Usami (67th National Sports Festival)
  • GOJUSHIHO ゴジュウシホ
    F.Haghighi (21st WKF Championships)
    N.Nakanishi (67th National Sports Festival)
    T.Kurimoto (66th National Sports Festival)
  • GOJUSHIHO-SHO ゴジュウシホショウ
    J.Mottram (21st WKF Championships)
    N.Yoshida (55th All Japan Student)
    K.Arimoto (66th National Sports Festival)
    L.Valdesi (21st WKF Championships)
  • GOJUSHIHO-DAI ゴジュウシホダイ
    M.Kobayashi (55th All Japan Student)
    N.Yoshida (55th All Japan Student)
    K.Yamamoto (56th All Japan Student)
  • SANSERU サンセール
    K.Furukawa (67th National Sports Festival)
    H.Kido (67th National Sports Festival)
    K.Nakahiro (66th National Sports Festival)
    H.Kanai (67th National Sports Festival)
    T.Tamaki (67th National Sports Festival)
  • JION ジオン
    S.Battaglia (21st WKF Championships)
    N.Shibazaki (66th National Sports Festival)
    T.Sugino (56th All Japan Student)
    K.Yamamoto (56th All Japan Student)
    S.Scordo (21st WKF Championships)
    C-C.Chen (1st EAKF J&C Championships)
  • SHISOCHIN シソーチン
    M.Morioka (67th National Sports Festival)
    H.Kanai (67th National Sports Festival)
  • SUPARINPEI スーパーリンペイ
    A.Diaz (21st WKF Championships)
    R.Kiyuna (40th All Japan Championships)
    N.Shimizu (1st EAKF J&C Championships)
    N.H.Ngan (11th AKF Championships)
    K.Inoue (39th All Japan Championships)
    K.Shimizu (40th All Japan Championships)
    I.Oki (40th All Japan Championships)
    R.Usami (21st WKF Championships)
  • SEIENCHIN セイエンチン
    N.H.Ngan (21st WKF Championships)
    I.Oki (40th All Japan Championships)
    R.Usami (21st WKF Championships)
    S.Kokumai (39th All Japan Championships)
    A.Diaz (21st WKF Championships)
    C.Ogihara (39th All Japan Championships)
    T.Hasegawa (66th National Sports Festival)
  • SEISAN セイサン
    K.Inoue (66th National Sports Festival)
    T.Tamaki (67th National Sports Festival)
    H.Kido (40th All Japan Championships)
  • SEISHAN セイシャン
    K.Saisho (2011 All Japan Masters)
  • SEIPAI セーパイ
    T.Oki (67th National Sports Festival)
    Y.Kimura (39th All Japan Championships)
    H.Ono (67th National Sports Festival)
    R.Kiyuna (67th National Sports Festival)
    K.Inoue (39th All Japan Championships)
  • SOCHIN ソーチン
    K.Kurihara (39th All Japan Championships)
    M.Isomura (66th National Sports Festival)
    N.Yoshida (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
    T.Sugino (56th All Japan Student)
    K.Arimoto (66th National Sports Festival)
  • CHATANYARA KUSHANKU チャタンヤラクーシャンクー
    I.Oki (40th All Japan Championships)
    R.Kajikawa (39th All Japan Championships)
    A.Diaz (21st WKF Championships)
    C.Tsuruyama (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
    I.Shinbaba (67th National Sports Festival)
    K.Shimizu (40th All Japan Championships)
    R.Usami (21st WKF Championships)
  • CHINTO チントウ
    K.Yuda (56th All Japan Student)
    M.Morita (40th All Japan Championships)
    E.Iwamoto (39th All Japan Championships)
  • TOMARI BASSAI トマリバッサイ
    K.Shimizu (67th National Sports Festival)
    V.D.M.Dack (46th EKF Championships)
    C.Tsuruyama (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
    R.Usami (11th AKF Championships)
    R.Kajikawa (55th All Japan Student)
  • NISEISHI ニーセーシー
    N.Kako (2011 All Japan Masters)
    N.Kawamukai (67th National Sports Festival)
  • NIPAIPO ニーパイポ
    M.Osawa (67th National Sports Festival)
    N.H.Ngan (11th AKF Championships)
    H.Shingu (67th National Sports Festival)
    Y.Tokioka (66th National Sports Festival)
    I.Oki (40th All Japan Championships)
    R.Usami (39th All Japan Championships)
    A.Diaz (21st WKF Championships)
    R.Kajikawa (40th All Japan Championships)
  • PAIKU パイクー
    T.Fukunaga (67th National Sports Festival)
    J.Enkamp (46th EKF Championships)
    R.Kiyuna (56th All Japan Student)
  • BASSAI-DAI バッサイダイ
    R.Kajikawa (40th All Japan Championships)
    C.Tsuruyama (39th All Japan Championships)
    M.Osawa (66th National Sports Festival)
    R.Usami (11th AKF Championships)
  • HEIKU ヘイクー
    C.Bjerring (21st WKF Championships)
    M.Yakan (2nd WKF U-21 Championships)
    K.Onishi (67th National Sports Festival)
    T.Hasegawa (66th National Sports Festival)
  • MATSUMURA ROHAI マツムラローハイ
    M.Morita (56th All Japan Student)


  • ANAN アーナン
    JAPAN FEMALE (19th WKF Championships)
    ITALY FEMALE (21st WKF Championships)
  • UNSU ウンス
    JAPAN MALE (21st WKF Championships)
  • GANKAKU ガンカク
    ITALY MALE (20th WKF Championships)
  • KURURUNFA クルルンファ
    JAPAN FEMALE (21st WKF Championships)
  • GOJUSHIHO-SHO ゴジュウシホショウ
    ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN MALE (11th AKF Championships)
    FRANCE FEMALE (20th WKF Championships)
  • GOJUSHIHO-DAI ゴジュウシホダイ
    FRANCE FEMALE (19th WKF Championships)
  • SUPARINPEI スーパーリンペイ
    SPAIN MALE (46th EKF Championships)
  • PAIKU パイクー
    JAPAN MALE (37th All Japan Championships Enbu)