Keio University Athletic Association Karate Club, 100th Anniversary Commemoration Project “Keio University’s Kata and Techniques One Hundred Years of Pride” -Karate Club’s Footprint and Challenges for the Future-


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As a part of the 100th anniversary project for the establishment of the Keio University Karate Club, a series of 33 Katas that have been continuously passed down based on the Budo spirit within Keio University (including the Mita Karate- Kai (Club) and the Keio University Athletic Ass. Karate Club) will be recorded and published.
Shihan Gichin Funakoshi strictly instructed, “Katas must be performed correctly; applying it in real-combat is another matter.” All Karate styles and schools that respect tradition have a common understanding that ‘Katas should not be arbitrarily changed.’ which supports the development of Karate today.
However, in reality, Katas have been modified for various reasons and backgrounds. This holds true even within Keio.
The Kata movements, interpretations, and conduct recorded here represent the ‘present-day figure of traditional Katas, including the modified parts,’ developed through over 2000 practice sessions and research in the ‘Thursday Club“ of the Mita Karate- Kai.
The performers in this video are not experts in Karate, and their skills cannot be equated with those of experts. However, without a doubt, this video stands as a culmination of 100 years of history and hopefully will serve as a model for the future practice and the study for Karate practitioners.

Written by Nagura Toshihisa

All-region(*NTSC Only)
Color: 150 min.

*Japanese and English


Technique Explanation

  • Shuto-uke
  • Tetemawashi Uraken
  • Fudo-dachi
  • Kiba-dachi

15 Basic KATA

  • Heian Shodan
  • Heian Nidan
  • Heian Sandan
  • Heian Yodan
  • Heian Godan
  • Tekki Shodan
  • Tekki Nidan
  • Tekki Sandan
  • Bassai Dai
  • Jitte
  • Gankaku
  • Enpi(Empi)
  • Jion
  • Kanku-Dai
  • Hangetsu

KATA from Shodan

  • Bassai Sho
  • Kanku Sho
  • Sochin
  • Gojushiho Jo
  • Gojushiho Ge
  • Jiin
  • Nijushiho
  • Meikyo (Rohai)
  • Unsu
  • Chinte
  • Wankan

The Study of Other Style

  • Hyakuhachi
  • Seienchin
  • Sanchin
  • Tensho
  • Interview with Iwamoto Akiyoshi


  • Sai no Kata
  • Shushi no Kon
  • Sakugawa no Kon

Other Ryu-ha

  • Nipaipo
  • Suparinpei
  • Chatanyara Kushanku

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg